How to Calculate Liquidation Price of USDT-Margined Perpetual Contracts?
Update on 2024/08/07 07:55:41

Liquidation Price Calculation

Below is the liquidation price formula for USDT-Margined futures contracts under the cross margin mode:
LP1 = (WB - TMM1 + UPNL1 + cum - Side1 x Position1 x EP1) / (Postion1 x MM-Side1 x Position1)
WB Wallet Balance
TMM1 Maintenance Margin of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1If it is an isolated margin mode, then TMM=0,UPNL=0
UPNL1 Unrealized PNL of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1If it is an isolated margin mode, then UPNL=0
cum Maintenance Amount of BOTH position
Side1 The direction of BOTH positions, 1 as long position, -1 as a short position
Position1 The absolute value of BOTH position amount
EP1 Entry Price of BOTH position
  • In Cross margin mode, WB is cross WalletBalance
  • In Isolated margin mode, WB is isolatedWalletBalance of the isolated position, TMM=0, UPNL=0, substitute the position quantity, MMR, cum into the formula to calculate.
  • Under the isolated mode, each isolated position will have different liquidation prices depending on the margin allocated to the positions.
  • If the liquidation price is less than 0, the UI display would be “--”

Maintenance Margin Rate

If your position (calculated at the liquidation price) and the current position (calculated at the opening price) are of different levels, then you must substitute (i.e. to calculate at the liquidation price) the maintenance margin rate and the maintenance margin amount of the position level, to recalculate the liquidation price.

Maintenance Amount

You can find the “Maintenance Amount” from the table below with the position value in USDT. For example, if the position amount of a USDT-Margined BTC/USDT Contract is 500,000 USDT, then the maintenance amount would be 1,300 USDT.

Maintenance Amount Formula

= [ Floor of Position Bracket on Level n x difference between Maintenance Margin Rate on Level n and Maintenance Margin Rate on Level n-1) ] + Maintenance Amount on Level n-1
For example, the Maintenance Amount on Level 3
= 250,000 x (1% - 0.5%) + 50 USDT
= 1,300 USDT
125x USDT-Margined Perpetual Contract (BTCUSDT)
Level Position Bracket(Notional Value in USDT) MaintenanceMargin Rate MaintenanceAmount (USDT)
1 First 50,000 0.40% 0
2 50,000 - 250,000 0.50% 50
3 250,000 - 1,000,000 1.00% 1,300
4 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 2.50% 16,300
5 5,000,000 - 20,000,000 5.00% 141,300
6 20,000,000 - 50,000,000 10.00% 1,141,300
7 50,000,000 - 100,000,000 12.50% 2,391,300
8 100,000,000 - 200,000,000 15.00% 4,891,300
9 Greater than 200,000,000 25.00% 24,891,300
100x USDT-Margined Perpetual Contract (ETHUSDT)
Level Position Bracket(Notional Value in USDT) MaintenanceMargin Rate MaintenanceAmount (USDT)
1 First 10,000 0.50% 0
2 10,000 - 100,000 0.65% 15
3 100,000 - 500,000 1.00% 365
4 500,000 - 1,000,000 2.00% 5,365
5 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 5.00% 35,365
6 2,000,000 - 5,000,000 10.00% 135,365
7 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 12.50% 260,365
8 10,000,000 - 20,000,000 15.00% 510,365
9 Greater than 20,000,000 25.00% 2,510,365
50x USDT-Margined Perpetual Contract
Level Position Bracket(Notional Value in USDT) MaintenanceMargin Rate MaintenanceAmount (USDT)
1 First 5,000 1.00% 0
2 5,000 - 25,000 2.50% 75
3 25,000 - 100,000 5.00% 700
4 100,000 - 250,000 10.00% 5,700
5 250,000 - 1,000,000 12.50% 11,950
6 Greater 1,000,000 50.00% 386,950
Example: Calculating Liquidation Price in One-way & Cross Margin mode
(WB) Wallet Balance = 1,535,443.01
You may find your maintenance margin rates and amounts through the tables above, as highlighted in the following image.
Taking into account that Maintenance margin = Notional value * Maintenance Margin rate-cum
Notional Value = Price * Amount
Maintenance Margin of ETHUSDT = 356,512.508 (4918775.081 * 10.00% - 135365).
(WB) Wallet Balance = 1,535,443.01
(TMM1) Maintenance Margin of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 = 71200.81144
(UPNL1) Unrealized PNL of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 = -56,354.57
(cumB) Maintenance Amount of BOTH position (one-way mode) = 135,365.00
(cumL) Maintenance amount of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(cumS) Maintenance amount of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
(Side1BOTH) Direction of BOTH position, 1 as long position, -1 as short position = 1
(Position1BOTH) Absolute value of BOTH position amount (one-way mode) = 3,683.979
(EP1BOTH) Entry Price of BOTH position (one-way mode) =1,456.84
(Position1LONG) Absolute value of LONG position amount (hedge mode) = 0
(EP1LONG) Entry Price of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(Position1SHORT) Absolute value of SHORT position amount (hedge mode) = 0
(EP1SHORT) Entry Price of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
(MMB) Maintenance margin rate of BOTH position (one-way mode) = 10%
(MML) Maintenance margin rate of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(MMS) Maintenance margin rate of SHORT position (hedge mode)= 0
Taking into account that Maintenance margin=Notional value*Maintenance Margin rate-cum
Notional Value = Price * Amount
Maintenance Margin of BTCUSDT = 71200.81144 (3500032.458 * 2.50%% - 16300).
(WB) Wallet Balance = 1,535,443.01
(TMM1) Maintenance Margin of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 = 356,512.508
(UPNL1) Unrealized PNL of all other contracts, excluding Contract 1 = -448,192.89
(cumB) Maintenance Amount of BOTH position (one-way mode) = 16,300.000
(cumL) Maintenance amount of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0.
(cumS) Maintenance amount of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
(Side1BOTH) Direction of BOTH position, 1 as long position, -1 as short position = 1
(Position1BOTH) Absolute value of BOTH position amount (one-way mode) = 109.488
(EP1BOTH) Entry Price of BOTH position (one-way mode) =32,481.980
(Position1LONG) Absolute value of LONG position amount (hedge mode) = 0
(EP1LONG) Entry Price of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(Position1SHORT) Absolute value of SHORT position amount (hedge mode) = 0
(EP1SHORT) Entry Price of SHORT position (hedge mode) = 0
(MMB) Maintenance margin rate of BOTH position (one-way mode) = 2.50%
(MML) Maintenance margin rate of LONG position (hedge mode) = 0
(MMS) Maintenance margin rate of SHORT position (hedge mode)= 0
With this information and by inputting the appropriate information in the formula we can see that the Liquidation Price for the ETHUSDT contract = 1153.26 and for BTCUSDT =26,316.89
Please note that there may be a slight variation due to decimals.
For latest maintenance margin rate, please refer to this article.
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